If you're looking to install USB touch device driver on the Linux platform, follow the instructions below:
Files used in the installation:
Step 1: Install USB Driver
Step 1-1: Add USB information to “hid_blacklist” or “hid_have_special_driver“ data member in “drivers/hid/hid-core.c” file
0x0006 and 0x0010 : touch device BL mode of PID
PID(0x0006) and (0x0010) must be added.
VID and PID of On-Lap monitors
VID: 0x222A
PID of GeChic 1502i and GeChic 1002: 0x001C
PID of GeChic 1303i: 0x0088
Example of On-Lap1502i and On-Lap1002
{ HID_USB_DEVICE(0x222A,0x001C) },
{ HID_USB_DEVICE(0x222A,0x0006) },
{ HID_USB_DEVICE(0x222A,0x0010) },
Example of On-Lap1303i
{ HID_USB_DEVICE(0x222A,0x0088) },
{ HID_USB_DEVICE(0x222A,0x0006) },
{ HID_USB_DEVICE(0x222A,0x0010) },
Step 1-2: Confirm hid driver code VID and PID whether to keep a consistent

*Red circled area in the image above: For GeChic 1502i and 1002: change to 0x001C
*Red circled area in the image above: For GeChic 1303i: change to 0x0088[endif]
Step 1-3: Copy “ilitek_lumv3_8_0.c” to “drivers/input/” folder
Step 1-4: Copy “usbhid.h” and “ilitek.h” to “drivers/hid/” folder
Step 1-5: Append “obj-$(CONFIG_INPUT_ILITEK_TOUCH) += ilitek_lumv3.X.X..o” to “drivers/hid/Makefile” file

Step 1-6: Append “config INPUT_ILITEK_TOUCH” tristate “ILITEK USB touch screen driver” to “drivers/hid/Kconfig” file

Step 1-7: Make Kernel configuration by keying the command: make menuconfig
Step 1-8: Change “Device Drivers”→”HID Devices” →”Special HID drivers” →”ILITEK USB touch screen driver” state as ‘*’ state

Step 1-9: Exit the menu configuration and save the configuration you have changed.
Step 1-10: Rebuild Linux Kernel
Step 2: Changing Device Permission
•Step 2-1: Add “chmod 0777 /dev/ilitek_ctrl” to “init.rc” file
•Step 2-2: Rebuild Android project

Step 3: Add idc file for Android
Step 3-1: Put ilitek_hid.idc file to “/system/usr/idc/” folder of Android [endif]
Note: Android system may mistake GeChic 1502 USB touch monitor as a mouse or other HID products if the IDC file is not added.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the installation, email us at support@icitouchtech.com[endif]