Have you ever connected your portable monitor to your laptop or other device and got a "No Signal" picture?

Don't worry!
It doesn't mean you've received a faulty screen.
Here are a few reasons why you might see this on your screen.
1. (The obvious) Your HDMI/VGA/Mini Display cable isn't connected.
Two cables are required to connect this to your screen. If you're getting a 'no signal' screen, it means your USB cable is plugged in. Power is being drawn. Now it's time to connect your second cable.
2. Wrong Port
Make sure you've plugged the right cable into the right port. As all ports are micro. You can just plug the micro DP cable into the micro HDMI cable.
If you're using a 1303H, it's the HDMI port first, then DP, then VGA.

This happens all the time.
3. "Autosearch" isn't on
Sometimes the monitor needs to be told which input source the cable is sending the signal from. In this case, go to the control panel on the monitor and find Input Source. If you've recently used a VGA cable and have switched to HDMI, the monitor may still be set to VGA.
Select "Autosearch".
The monitor should now refresh and the screen should light up.
If this doesn't work, then select the correct input from the three choices below. The monitor should update again.

4. The cable is loose in the port
In some cases, after a long period of use, the cable may be loose in the port. Try fiddling with the cable while it is still connected to the port and see if the screen lights up.
5. The connector in the monitor is broken or your cable is dead.
This is where things get a bit complicated. If you're still covered by our one-year limited parts and labour warranty, email us at support@icitouchtech.com and one of our customer service representatives will be able to help you.
If your cable is frayed or the wires are popping out, then it's time for a new cable. You can buy a new cable from the website shop here.
Time to upgrade your monitor? Check out our latest monitors with HDMI output port.